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What’s the difference between Anxiety and Worry?

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Key difference: Both words lead to temporary disorders, which cause illness in our human beings, which is nothing but anxiety and worry. Anxiety is a stress condition, whereas worry is the cause of uneasiness state thinking about the future. Worry is often less intense than anxiety which can be overwhelming. Anxiety tends to be in longer duration when compared to worry. Anxiety causes more panic attacks, whereas worry can be milder than anxiety. You can learn the vast differences between Anxiety and Worry in this article.

Good Examples of the words “Anxiety and Worry” are,
1. She tried to hide her anxiety in front of everyone.
2. Why do I worry more about my life?



Anxiety is the stressful situation disorder.

Anxiety is a stressful situation that one can’t usually handle, like attending the first interview, writing the exams, or speaking to higher officials. The heart rate will be faster, sweating and cause more sorrow to your inner soul. You can overcome this situation by doing breathing exercises and meditating regularly. Sometimes it is due to physical or mental abuse. You can consult a doctor to understand that situation through counselling better.

These anxiety disorders are curable by following the above psychotherapy. You can eat leafy green vegetables and spinach for better improvement from anxiety. You must intake more water to control dehydration, which suppresses anxiety. The Best Example of Anxiety is “Anxiety is the curable disorder in human beings.”

How do We Spell the Word Anxiety?

The vocal representation of Anxiety is “ang·zai·uh·tee,” You can pronounce it this way. Below, you can know by hearing the audio of the phrase anxiety.


Syllabification is where we split the words into individual vowel sounds. A syllable should have at least one vowel in the word. For example, we will see the syllable of the word “Anxiety.

  • I wondered if the word “Anxiety” has four syllables.
  • The split is “ANX-I-E-TY.”

Using “Anxiety” in sentences:

  • He was such anxiety about seeing his new friend.
  • There is quite an anxiety in her voice.
  • Whether anxiety is an emotion?
  • Anxiety causes more tension and headaches.
  • Fear and anxiety are correlated together.



Worry is the cause to feel anxious.

Worry is defined as anxiety and panic without knowing the uncertain income. It causes an unbalanced mindset, which causes unnecessary tension, and it spreads negative vibrations to each other. It caused due to many stressors like worrying about the future, financial issues, relationships, personal circumstances, and relationship problems. Furthermore, it makes us both physically and mentally weak. Furthermore, it causes excessive tension and will not allow us to find a solution to the issue or problem.

The Best Example of “Worry” is “Do a body scan to analyse the worry.”

How do We Spell the Word Worry?

Spell / Pronunciation in which a word or particular language is spoken among people. The Oral representation of the phrase Worry is “vuh·ree.” It would help if you practised it slowly for the outcome of a perfect spell. Below, you can know by hearing the audio of the word Worry.


Syllabification is where we split the words into individual vowel sounds. A syllable should have at least one vowel in the word. For example, we will see the syllable of the word “Worry.”

  • Wondering if the word “Worry” has two syllables in it, “WOR-RY.”

Using “Worry” in sentences:

  • He was worried about his exam results.
  • Smith worried that he lost his costly watch yesterday.
  • Worry is nothing about it is just a mental distress.
  • Her parents worried about her health condition.
  • You don’t want to worry about thinking of the future.

Similarities between Anxiety and Worry

The title reveals the difference between Anxiety and Worry. But, like, you want to know also similar things about the above two words. So come, let’s see below.

  • Both Anxiety and Worry are involved in the sense of unease, nervous the persons with discomfort, and both can be treated with medication and therapy.
  • Anxiety and Worry cause the same physical symptoms, such as headache, hypertension, muscle tension, and rapid heartbeat.


DEFINITIONIt is the feeling of fear
and emotion causes mental
illness and restlessness.
It is the feeling of taking more personal problems and unpleasant things might happen in the future.
SYNONYMSWorry, Concern, Perturbation,
Fear, Disquiet, Consternation,
Disquietude, Uneasiness.
Anxiety, Fret, Distress,
Nervousness, Preoccupation, Tension, Solicitude, and Unease.
TYPESSubstance-Induced Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Generalized Worries
Hypothetical Worries
Healthy Worry
Panic Disorder
Practical Worries
Separation anxiety worry
EFFECTSAnxiety causes headaches, stomach-churning, feeling, restless, irregular heartbeat, sweating and hopeless.Worry causes anxiety, depression, physical health problems, impaired decision-making, and reduced quality of life.
SOLUTIONSPsychotherapy, meditation,
eating well, breathing techniques,
cognitive therapy.
Practice mindfulness, exercise, get enough sleep, take breaks, and
practice relaxation techniques.
EXAMPLESShe watched the film with anxiety.
Smith has to overcome his anxiety soon.
Most people will get hurt and feel guilt and anxiety too.
He has a chronic anxiety disorder
and tried hard to come out from it.
You have to divert yourself to relieve anxiety.
You don’t need to worry about your past.
Poor people often worry about the financial problem.
Don’t make your parents worry about your studies.
Henry worried too much due to his work pressure.
Don’t be a worrier, be a warrior.

Infographic Representation:


Resources & References:

Resources: Cambridge Dictionary (Anxiety & Worry), Merriam-Webster (Anxiety & Worry), (Anxiety & Worry)


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