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What’s the difference between Ebola and Flu?

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Key Difference: These two words are the most common worldwide disease terms. Causal organisms are differentiated by both the terms “Ebola and Flu.” Ebola is more harmful than Flu. Different types of Flu are transmitted to human beings. Ebola is a dreadful disease that leads to death when severe, whereas Flu attacks are severe at 3 to 5 days and lead to asthma, it will be lowering the condition to 7 to 10 days. Both Ebola and Flu cause high fever and fatigue. You can learn the significant differences between Ebola and Flu in this article.

Good examples of the words “Ebola and Flu” are,
1. Ebola is an incurable disease.
2. Flu is a seasonal disease and should treat with care.



Ebola is an infectious dreadful disease.

Ebola is a highly infectious and fatal virus. It causes severe fever in humans, which includes fever, fatigue, headache, diarrhea, and in some cases, bleeding occurs. This virus is infected through bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, sweat, urine, and feces. There is no specific treatment for this Ebola virus attack. You can take prescribed medication, pills, and therapies to cure this disease. It would be best if you took precautions against infected humans and animals.

The Best example of the word “Ebola” is, “Ebola is a rare but deadly disease.”

How do We Spell the Word Ebola?

Spell / Pronunciation in which a word or particular language is spoken among people. The Oral representation of the word Ebola is “i·bow·luh.” It would help if you practiced it slowly for the outcome of a perfect spell. Below, you can know by hearing the audio of the word Ebola.


Syllabification is where we split the words into individual vowel sounds. A syllable should have at least one vowel in the word. We are going to see the syllable of the word Ebola.

Wondering if the word “Ebola” has three syllables in it,

There is no split; generally, it is “E-BO-LA.”

How do We Pronounce “Ebola“?

“EBOLA” – Pronunciation

Using “EBOLA” in sentences:

  • The Ebola virus attack is severe in West Africa.
  • Ebola is always a serious disease all over the world.
  • It is important to practice good hygiene to prevent the disease of Ebola.
  • There is no specific treatment for Ebola disease.
  • Muscle pain is one of the symptoms of Ebola virus disease.



Flu is a seasonal disease.

Flu is called an influenza virus. It affects the body parts like the throat, and a running nose causes headaches; flu is the Latin word “to flow into.” It is a viral infection of the lungs. You can take influenza antiviral drugs to treat this disease. There are two main types of human flu viruses: A and B. Both are spread commonly in people, but A has a special effect. It will spread into more contagious subtypes depending on the genes involved in the viruses. Sometimes for older people, it leads to chronic disorders like heart attack, asthma, etc.,

The Best Example of the Word “Flu” is “Flu is a viral disease that causes severe fever in human beings.”

How do We Spell the Word “Flu”?

The vocal representation of the word flu is “fluh”; We can pronounce it according to the different languages below. You can know by hearing the audio of the word flu.


Syllabification is where we split the words into individual vowel sounds. A syllable should have at least one vowel in the word. We will see the word flu syllable here.

  • Wondering if the word “Flu” has one syllable.
  • There is no split; it is called flu.

How do We Pronounce “Flu“?

“FLU” – Pronunciation

Using “FLU” in sentences:

  • There are different types of flu in this world.
  •  Henry was attacked with flu last week.
  •  Animals and birds mostly cause the flu.
  •  The World Bank offers the amount to people who got sick with the flu.
  •  I got a fever due to the flu.

Similarities between Ebola and Flu:

The title reveals the difference between Ebola and Flu. But you also want to know about the above two words. So come, let’s see below.

  • Both Ebola and Flu can cause high fever and fatigue, sore throat, headache, runny nose, vomiting, and abdominal pain and can be transmitted through body fluids.
  • Ebola and Flu can be treated through hygienic measures such as washing hands frequently and covering your mouth while sneezing or coughing.

Compare: EBOLA and FLU

DEFINITIONThe Ebola virus is the dreadful disease
it won’t attack easily, but when it
becomes severe, it causes internal
and external bleeding.
Common viral infection
which affects the nose, throat, and obviously lungs, and it is called as influenza virus.
SYNONYMSVirus disease, Virus infection,
Ebola virus syndrome, Hemorrhagic
fever, and Ebola hemorrhagic fever
Ache, Disorder, Condition,
Illness, Dose, and Disposition.
TRANSMISSIONDirect contact with the
fluids of the person.
The viruses can be spread by hand.
SYMPTOMSSneezing, Stuffy nose/Runny nose
Mild to severe fever, Sore throat,
In severe cases internal and external bleeding, organ failure, and death.
Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Runny nose, Body aches, Headaches, Fatigue, and
Some people may have
vomiting and diarrhea.

There are 5 different types of ebolaviruses such as the Zaire ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Taï Forest ebolavirus, Reston ebolavirus, and Bundibugyo ebolavirus.There are four types of 
seasonal influenza virus types A, B, C, and D.
EXAMPLESFatigue and sore throat are the symptoms of an Ebola virus attack.
Henry is affected with the Ebola virus severely.
You can follow any therapies to cure the Ebola disease soon.
Ebola can be easily transmitted through contaminated objects.
Everyone should take precautions to avoid Ebola disease season.
When is H1N1 bird flu reported lastly?
You know the reasons to cause of the bird flu.
When is the flu season occurs all over the World?
Three types of RNA viruses cause flu.
Flu is a common disease caused by different types of viruses.

Infographic Representation:


Resources & References

Resources: Cambridge Dictionary (Ebola, Flu), Merriam-Webster (Ebola, Flu), (Ebola, Flu)
Reference:[1], Merriam-Webster. com[2], Merriam-Webster. com[3], Dictionary. com[4].


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